When you upload information on a web hosting server, you will need an amount of storage space on the hdd depending on its size. In the event that you operate a script-driven website which saves its data in a database, it will take more space, the more people make use of it. For example, in the event that you have a discussion board, the more responses people leave, the bigger the database will be. E-mails, particularly ones having attachments, also take some disk space in the web hosting account. The hard disk space quota that you will get with your website hosting supplier is the amount of data you could have at any moment, it includes website files, e-mails as well as databases. Similarly, a home PC has a hard disk and the software programs installed on it and all of the documents and / or music files that you generate or download require storage, which cannot surpass the overall capacity of the hdd.
Disk Space in Website Hosting
By using our website hosting packages, you will never worry about hard drive space. While most companies create accounts on a single server and eventually all the server hard disk storage will be in use, we've implemented a cloud web hosting system where the files, e-mails as well as the databases are handled by independent clusters of servers. By doing this, each machine functions better as just a single type of processes is working on it, and the hard disk storage is unlimited due to the fact that we can always connect more servers or hard disks to the cluster, based on whether we need extra processing power or extra storage space. You won't ever deal with a scenario where you are not able to upload more files for the reason that there's no free hard disk space on the server, that is something you can encounter with various other suppliers. When you use our hosting services, you can be sure that limited space will never be an issue for the growth of your sites.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you buy a semi-dedicated server package from us, you won't have to worry about the disk space that you're able to use for the simple reason that this attribute is unrestricted. Unlike lots of other web hosting suppliers that advertise an identical service, yet create accounts on just a single machine where quite a limited number of hdds can be connected, we use a revolutionary cloud system which uses groups of servers. All your files will be located on a single cluster, your e-mails on a separate one, the databases on a third one and so on. This system gives you 2 significant advantages - first, the disk space will never finish because we're able to install more servers to each cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will operate much more efficiently because they will control just a single kind of processes. A semi-dedicated server package gives you the option to enhance your websites as much as you'd like.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
With all the hard disk space that we offer with all our dedicated servers, we warrant that you'll be able to manage every website whatever its capacity. You'll receive a minimum of 500 GB storage, which you're able to use as you see fit - even for private file depository. As standard, you'll be given 2 hard drives, that can be used independent of each other, so as to use their overall capacity, or they can be in RAID so that one will mirror the other one in real time to ensure that you'll not lose valuable info in the event of a hardware failure. You'll also be given the opportunity to put extra disks and upgrade the full disk storage at your disposal even more. This allows you to create a file or image depository portal without a problem if you would like. Thanks to the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we offer, you'll be able to create an individual account for each and every site that you host on the server and set a quota for the disk space it will be allowed to use. When you pick the third choice, our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, all the domain names will be managed from a single and they will share the whole server disk space.